Franchise Prospect Insights

Leveraging data from the largest global marketplace of prospective franchise buyers, we apply the tools and techniques of data science and machine learning to offer insights on prospective franchisees’ evolving tastes, financial wherewithal, demographic profile and pre-purchase behaviors.

‘Lifestyle Rewards’ Rank as No. 3 Reason to Own a Small Business

Dec. 5, 2019 – Owning a small business can give you the freedom and flexibility to match different lifestyles, and that’s important to more than half of entrepreneurs answering a survey across the Franchise Ventures demand generation platform. More than half, or 56.5%, say “lifestyle rewards” are one of their top motivations as they think

Education Is No Prerequisite To Entrepreneurship – Ambition Is Its Own Degree

Nov. 27, 2019 – The lure of entrepreneurship appeals to individuals across all levels of education,  according to the latest data analysis by Franchise Ventures, which found most business-buyer prospects had at least some college experience, but not necessarily a completed degree. “In the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday, we’re grateful for the opportunities that

Income Potential Ranks as No. 2 Motivation to Own a Business

Nov. 25, 2019 – While a desire to “by my own boss” is the No.1 motivation for people thinking about buying a business, the potential to earn more money ranks a strong No. 2, according to the business-buyer survey across the Franchise Ventures demand generation platform.  Nearly three-quarters of respondents, or 72.5%, cite “income potential”

Franchise Prospects Top $100k in Household Income

Nov. 22, 2019 – One-third of prospective franchisees have at least $100,000 in annual household income, according to the latest data analysis by Franchise Ventures — and income is clearly a key factor in finding franchisee candidates who are qualified for different opportunities. For this analysis, Franchise Ventures combined its pool of investment inquiries with

One Third of Prospective Small-Business Buyers Ready to Switch From Corporate Life

Nov. 18, 2019 – More than one-third of potential business buyers are motivated by a desire to stop “climbing the corporate ladder,” according to the survey across the Franchise Ventures demand generation platform.  “In many cases, experienced managers and executives are ready to run their own show,” said Michael Alston, president of Franchise Ventures. “That

‘Be Your Own Boss’ Tops List of Small-Business Ownership Motivations

Nov. 11, 2019 – The No. 1 reason that budding entrepreneurs want to own their own business is to “Be your own boss,” according to the survey across the Franchise Ventures demand generation platform.  A full 87% of users starting a franchise search said that being the boss was a primary motivation for them, beating

Women Outpace Men Among Gen X Franchise Prospects

Nov. 5, 2019 – Interest in owning a franchise is balanced almost equally between women and men overall, according to the latest small business analysis by Franchise Ventures — and women are starting to outpace men among Gen X prospects.  “We don’t see a glass ceiling when it comes to interest in buying a franchise,”

Millennials are the Fastest-Growing Segment of Future Franchisees

Oct. 30, 2019 – Following the broad trends in population demographics in the U.S., the age of franchise-investment prospects continues to shift younger in the latest quarterly analysis by  Franchise Ventures. Generation X, ages 39-54, is the largest group ready to talk with franchisors, at 46.1% of all prospects in Q3 2019. That’s up 6%

Who Buys Franchises? Digital Prospects Show Focused Intent

March 20, 2019 – With so many different franchise options available to a local investor, it’s easy to assume that a typical franchise prospect is talking to lots of different franchisors at the same time. But that’s a wrong assumption. The largest analysis to date of prospective franchise buyers shows the majority are focused on

Who Buys Franchises? Prospects Are Financially Stable and Diverse

Feb. 20, 2019 – Franchised businesses can be started at a wide range of investment levels, so it’s no surprise that portals generate leads from a wide range of income levels. But a closer looks shows prospective buyers may be more financially stable than you’d think. That’s according to the largest study of franchise prospects

Who Buys Franchises? Prospects Span All Generations

Jan. 23, 2019 – The next generation of business owners is likely to be younger than you might think. According to the largest study of prospect franchise buyers to date, more than half of those interested in buying a business are under the age of 50. Baby Boomers and older are still a force to

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